How to Arrange WooCommerce Custom Product Tabs
If you’re looking to customize the arrangement of product tabs in WooCommerce, the “Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce” plugin provides an easy-to-use solution. This plugin lets you add unlimited custom tabs to your product pages and position them relative to WooCommerce’s default tabs: Description, Additional Information, and Reviews.
Setting Tab Positions
The plugin includes a “Tab Position” option that allows you to define where your custom tabs appear. By assigning numerical values, you can control the tab order as follows:
- 1 to 10: Places the tab before the Description tab.
- 11 to 20: Positions the tab between the Description and Additional Information tabs.
- 21 to 30: Places the tab between the Additional Information and Reviews tabs.
- 31 and above: Positions the tab after all default WooCommerce tabs.
Important: If the “Tab Position” field is left blank, the custom tabs will automatically move to the first position, and all default tabs will follow.