How to Add Custom Product Tabs in WooCommerce

Are you looking to incorporate custom product tabs into your WooCommerce product page? Look no further. This article will guide you through the process of displaying custom product tabs on your online store’s product page.

However, before we delve into the details, let’s first grasp the concept of product tabs and explore the reasons why adding a custom product tab to your WooCommerce product page can be beneficial. Let’s start with a brief overview of product tabs.

What exactly are Product Tabs in WooCommerce?

Product tabs serve as a means to streamline the organization of information on your product page. They allow you to group related data into separate tabs, ensuring that each tab holds specific details that are distinct from the rest of the product information. This approach not only enhances the accessibility of the information but also creates a visually appealing and clutter-free layout that is easy for users to navigate and comprehend.

In today’s market, it’s common for products to contain a wealth of vital information that needs to be conveyed to potential shoppers. However, fitting all that information into a single location can be challenging. That’s why you’ll often come across multiple product tabs on product pages, such as a short description, long description, technical specifications, reviews, and more.

With this understanding of product tabs in mind, let’s now explore some of the reasons why you might find it necessary to incorporate custom product tabs in WooCommerce.

Why Incorporate Custom Product Tabs in WooCommerce?

As mentioned earlier, product tabs serve as a practical way to organize product information. However, the default tabs provided by WooCommerce may not offer enough space to accommodate all the additional details you want to include. What if you need to incorporate a lengthy description, technical specifications, datasheets, video tutorials, and more? It can be challenging to effectively organize all this information within the limitations of the default tabs.

By adding custom product tabs for each specific set of information, you gain the flexibility to organize your product details more effectively. This approach allows you to include all the necessary information without worrying about overwhelming the user or overcrowding the page.

From a customer perspective, product tabs make it easier for shoppers to locate the information they are interested in while disregarding the rest. For instance, a regular user might only require the product description and long description, while a tech-savvy individual may be more interested in the technical specifications and datasheets. Custom tabs enable users to find the information they need more efficiently.

Furthermore, as a store owner, you can leverage custom tabs to highlight important company policies that users should be aware of. For example, you can create an FAQs tab to address frequently asked questions or a separate tab for the return policy, and so on.

Therefore, organizing your product information into user-friendly product tabs is highly recommended. This approach ensures that your users can easily access the information they need without any hassle.

By now, you should understand the significance of custom WooCommerce product tabs. Let’s proceed to the next step and learn how to add custom product tabs in WooCommerce.

Adding Custom WooCommerce Product Tabs: Exploring Two Methods

There are two primary approaches to adding custom product tabs in WooCommerce:

  1. Utilizing a plugin
  2. Implementing custom code programmatically

Let’s delve into each of these methods individually, starting with the plugin method. So, let’s get started!

1. Adding Custom Product Tabs Using a Plugin

Numerous WordPress plugins are available that allow you to add custom product tabs to your WooCommerce store. You have the freedom to choose any of these plugins based on your preferences. However, for the purpose of this demonstration, we will be using the “Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce” plugin developed by Web Builder 143.

1.1. Installing and Activating the Plugin

To begin, you must install and activate the plugin on your website. Follow these steps to install the plugin:

  1. Access your WP Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New.”
  3. In the search bar, enter “Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce” by Web Builder 143.
  4. Locate the plugin in the search results and click on the “Install Now” button to initiate the installation process.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on “Activate” to activate the plugin on your website.

1.2. Adding Custom Product Tabs to WooCommerce Products

Once the plugin is activated, you can proceed to add custom product tabs to your WooCommerce products directly from the Product Edit page. Follow these steps:

  1. Access your WP Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Products” and select “All Products.”
  3. Locate the specific product to which you want to add custom tabs and hover over it.
  4. Click on the “Edit” option to enter the product editing interface.

This action will redirect you to the Product Edit page. Scroll down until you reach the Product Data section and locate the “Custom Tabs” option. Click on it to access the custom tabs settings. Within this interface, you will find an “Add new tab” button. Clicking on it will generate a custom tab with placeholder content. To modify the content of the tab, simply click on the “Edit” button associated with it.

Within the New Tab form, you can input the desired Tab title and include relevant content. You have the freedom to incorporate various elements such as text, images, links, multimedia, shortcodes, and more. Additionally, you can create multiple custom tabs by clicking the “Add New Tab” button. Once you are done, Update the product to save your newly created custom tabs.

However, manually adding a custom tab to each individual product can be a tedious and inefficient process. To address this issue, the plugin offers a Global Tabs feature.

Now, let’s explore the Global Tabs functionality and learn how to incorporate them into multiple WooCommerce products.

1.3. Generating Global Tabs

Global Tabs serve as reusable templates that can be saved for future use. By creating a Global Tab, you can effortlessly add it to multiple products, saving time and effort.

To create a Global Tab, navigate to your WP Admin Dashboard and access the “Tabs” option under the “Products” menu. Here, you will find a comprehensive list of all the Global Tabs you have previously created. Click on the “Add New” button located at the top to access the New Tab form.

Within the New Tab form, you can designate the Tab title and provide a nickname for your personal reference. Then, proceed to add the desired Tab content, which may consist of text, images, multimedia, links, and even shortcodes. Additionally, you have the option to specify relevant product categories or tags. The custom tab will be displayed on the product pages associated with the specified categories or tags. Furthermore, you can also specify the position of the tab. For more detailed information on tab position numbers, you can refer to this resource:

You have the freedom to add as many tabs as you desire for future use. To access all the Global Tabs you have created, simply navigate to the WP Admin Dashboard and go to Products > Tabs. Here, you will find a comprehensive list of your Global Tabs, and you can perform actions such as editing, deleting, or adding new tabs from this interface.

Once you assign the global tabs, they will be instantly visible on the product page in the frontend of your website. Furthermore, you can conveniently view both the global tabs and product-specific tabs within the product edit page.

2. Adding Custom Product Tabs Programmatically

Before delving into the code snippets for adding custom product tabs in WooCommerce, let’s first understand how to incorporate code snippets into WooCommerce.

2.1. Accessing the Code Editor for WordPress

Firstly, we highly recommend creating a comprehensive backup of your website and utilizing a child theme to make edits to the functions.php file.

Once you have set up a child theme, navigate to your WP Admin Dashboard and go to Appearance > Theme Editor. Make sure to select the child theme and open the functions.php file. Here, you can add your custom code snippets at the end of the functions.php file. After making the desired changes, click on the “Update File” button to save the modifications and apply them.

Alternatively, you have the option to utilize the Code Snippets plugin for adding custom code snippets to your website. To begin, you will need to install the plugin from the official WordPress repository. Follow these steps:

  1. Access your WP Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Plugins” and select “Add New.”
  3. In the search bar, enter “Code Snippets” to find the plugin.
  4. Click on the “Install Now” button to initiate the installation process.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on “Activate” to activate the plugin on your website.

Afterwards, access the plugin settings from your WP Admin Dashboard and locate the “Add New Snippet” button. Click on it to add your desired custom code snippet. You have the flexibility to include as many custom code snippets as needed for your site.

One notable advantage of using this plugin is that you won’t be required to create a child theme, as the plugin manages the code snippets independently. However, it is still recommended to have a child theme in place as a precautionary measure to safeguard your site in case of any unforeseen issues.

Now that you are familiar with the process of adding code snippets to a WordPress site, let’s proceed to explore how to incorporate custom product tabs in WooCommerce using custom code snippets.

2.2. Adding Custom Product Tabs to All Products in WooCommerce

When the information you want to display remains consistent across all products, adding a custom product tab to all products simultaneously can be highly efficient. For example, if you have frequently asked questions (FAQs) that are applicable to all or a specific category of products, this approach can save time.

To achieve this, you can utilize the following code snippet. It not only adds a global custom product tab but also allows you to populate it with the relevant content.

Once you have implemented the code snippet, you can proceed to the front-end of your website to verify the changes.